Midwest Nerdlesque presents Harry Potter burlesque! Grab your wands and order a butterbeer for this magical event!
Headlined by Verna Vendetta as he who must not be named
Featuring: Heather and Lace & Lottie a la West as Bellatrix LeStrange & Narcissa Malfoy Robyn Emblynde as Minerva McGonagall Pussy DeMunchon as Romilda Vane
Local Favorites: Rhett Corvette as Harry Potter Dusty Bucket as Rubeus Hagrid Dottie Comma as the Golden Snitch Miz Juicy Jem as a Ravenclaw student Georgia Pearl as Dolores Umbridge Poppy Poison & Cherrie Sorbet as Fred & George Weasley Noella DeVille as Rowena Ravenclaw